
Growwwwwwing Up.

Today I am thankful for the things that prove to me (and hopefully others) that I am growing up.
Drum roll please...
1. We are homeowners! Well, almost- our downpayment is paid and the building of our home begins in a month. We will miss Redmond and our friends dearly. More so than most of them probably realize. And while the decision has been difficult, we know this is what is right for us and our future kids - the thought of whom nearly made me cry when I thought of the first time they sleep in those rooms. Hopefully you understand we are leaving this great area for the lives of 2 small children worlds away (and for a small yard for our dear pups).

(Disclaimer: This is not our house, but a model home similar to what ours will be. Picture taken right after signing a million papers.)
2. Doctors appointments aren't raising my blood pressure. I have always suffered from what is called "white coat syndrome" where my blood pressure sky rockets at the mere thought of sitting in a doctor's office. Now I can go to appointments by myself, lay in front of 9 residents, 2 doctors, and 3 nurses without pants, or drop my pants without worrying. My mom used to ambush me at school and trick me into the car before telling me we were going to the doctor so that she wouldn't have to deal with my tears and anxiety for days before the event. So, I think I have grown up. Right, Mom? Now that it doesn't really effect you.

3. Failure. I am not longer afraid to fail. Look, my pancreas has failed and I survived. I can attempt anything. That's a very grown-up feeling if I do say so.

4. My mom cleans, but so do I! When I was younger I would have just sat around and let my mom clean and cook without thinking twice (until she asked for my help). Now when she cleans and cooks at my house I feel guilty and want to help. Oh, how the tides have turned.

5. Home time is the best time. During highschool and college and even up until recently I had to be doing something all the time, but now I enjoy a night in with friends, games, and food. I don't need constant entertainment, sometimes relaxing and laughing with those you love is the best medicine.

Well, at least I feel I have grown up. Maybe I still have light years to go or maybe this is as good as it gets, but life is pretty good right now. Now if they could just invent a way to give me a new bladder and pancreas... A girl can dream.

xo, Meg

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