
I feel like crap.

Just a quick update. It's not all roses and jigs in the hospital. Today sucks, last night was long and painful, and I am still only drinking water.

I'm sure if I dug hard enough I could dig up some thankfuls. But let's be honest, it's hard to be thankful when your stomach feels like it's ripping in two, everything around you is always beeping and buzzing, and when you are playing the waiting game with your damn small intestines.

Speaking of playing the waiting game with your own internal organs. Want to know what that feels like? Flashback to high school when all you needed was 10 bucks from your dad for gas and hanging out with friends and you needed it right then. Needed! And there the troll... ahem, dad, cough.... was laying on the couch protecting his wallet from and you and not budging from sleep for anything short of the house on fire or a missing limb. It feels like that, except at some point I really do need to eat and my small intestine has no exceptions and probably won't care if I light something on fire or lose a limb. And, yes, I was begging my stomach out loud this morning to do something so they will let me eat. I hate being on the timetable of some mucus covered tissue.

Hopefully I'll be more thankful this evening and leave you with thoughts more lovely than these.

Hope you are enjoying your Saturday, lucky eaters.

xo, Meg

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