
Updates on Growth

This Turtle now weighs 4 lbs. She started at about 1.8.
This garden now has cilantro and unbelievable amounts of dill. And the tomato plants are flowering and huge.
Our first signs of broccoli! (Look in the center! I never had any idea how broccoli grew until I went out and saw this in my garden.)

The peas are going crazy and getting ready to be harvested. And the zucchini plants are giant.
My first little carrot. I picked it to see how the carrots were growing annnnnd they are growing well! And they are tasty to boot.

Have a beautiful day.

xo, Meghan

1 comment:

  1. Such a wee little carrot!
    Your garden looks so beautiful and prosperous...as for their cousins at my house, the jury is still out.
