
so thankful.

Hello. So many things to be thankful for these days.

Let's get started and see how long the list gets:

1. Desk Update. I am very thankful for my desk find and love the way it turned out. Look for yourself:

2. 19 days. We move into our house in 19 days. 19. Crazy. Our house has become a boxland.

Not Thankful For:
Thankful For:

3. Great music. I love music.

4. Fall. If I haven't mentioned it lately, I love fall.

5. My partner in crime. He makes me tick, keeps me on my toes, and makes me laugh until my spleen rips in half. For instance, we went to the movies and the girl next to him let him know she was going to put the armrest down between them and he responded, straight-faced, "That's probably the appropriate thing to do." Lauren and I were laughing so hard our spleens just exploded.

6. Exaggeration. I am prone to it. I am thankful that it exists and that I am allowed to take part.

7. New boots. If you didn't hear the bellowing where you live, I'll fill you in. My favorite fall boots had their final day a few weeks back when I tripped up the stairs at the doctor's office and the sole ripped off. And my soul ripped out of my chest. It was the saddest walk to and from the doctor's office ever. I'm sure people pitied me, pouting my way along the city streets while my sole flapped against the sidewalk with every step. BUT I found replacement boots that, dare I say, are better.

8. A desk for Ryan! Ryan's mom graciously donated a desk to our cause and Ryan is a happy camper and has already warned me that it is his desk and I am not to touch it. Except when I am revamping it. After that, he may store his piles of paperwork in it and it is his first workspace that he doesn't have to share since we've been married. Thanks Adrienne! You made one boy very happy. (Oh and me too, because there are enough drawers to hide all his junk/paper/receipts/bits o' things.)

9. Books a plenty. Between trips to the library, friends that send me books, and my own growing collection - I am reading non-stop and loving every moment. Even the double vision that occurs if I don't wear my glasses. And I'm thankful for a husband that appreciates my love for words, even though he doesn't understand or partake in it.

10. Down comforter. It finally came time to change out our summer blanket for our nice, comfy down comforter. And it makes me so happy. Bring it on winter. But don't really, ok? No snow this year. Please?

xo, Meg


  1. Your house looks so pretty! Hooray!

  2. So happy for you! Good luck with the move!
