
Crazy times.

Things this past week and the upcoming week are going to be crazy. Crazy good and crazy bad. Just lots to do and see. And then.... vacation! September 1-11 we will be in a mixture of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina (with varying rest stops between the latter two.)

Here are some thankfuls to tide you over until my next posting:

1. Statistics is over after this week! Ryan can attest to the fact that I am indeed (and contrary to popular opinion) skilled in math, but am miserable throughout the process. Not to brag (well, kinda) - I rock at math (apparently, statistics in particular), but find it utterly boring. Perhaps that's why I hate it. I like exciting things. Not things with definite answers and proven paths to a solution. I enjoy problem solving on my own, from problem to solution with no step-by-steps. So, I am thankful that this class is almost over and that it has taught me what it is I hate about math.

2. I have the best friend and partner in the whole world (and probably the universe too). His name is Ryan.

3. I am back in control**, and you all know how much I love to be in control. My blood sugars are back under my control and submit to my carb ratio-ing and insulin injecting ways. For a while I was stressed to check my blood glucose as it could be at 400 or 50 - randomly. Not associated with any choice of mine. Ahhh, the feeling of control.*** **I do sometimes plummet or sky-rocket, but I see them coming after, say, I have eaten a giant chocolate bar or rock climbed for far too long. I still consider this control. ***I am under no illusion that this will be the way it always is. Chronic diseases have a way of showing you who is boss, but for now it is nice to feel in control.

4. Hiking trip. Sunday will be our first Mt. Rainier trip of the summer due to my recovery. We have been up there at least once a year since we've been together and I think you could call it our "happy place."

5. WEEEEE. I'm so excited about this one! We finally bought a backpacking tent and sleeping bags. I found stuff on great sale at REI outlet (you should check them out: http://www.rei.com/outlet/). Altogether our tent and sleeping bags weigh 11 pounds. 3 pounds for each sleeping bag and 5 pounds for the tent. That will make for easier hiking and camping! To top it off, my sleeping bag is the most beautiful color, which always makes life a little sweeter. So if you are up for a hiking/camping trip - let us know.

xo, Meg

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