
Focusing on recovery

Hi there,

Sorry it's been a while, I been trying to focus on recovering for the present time.

Here's what is going on with me:
-Supposed to be going home Sunday evening or Monday morning.
-Ate 4 bites of a sandwich on Sunday.
-Barfed my brains out on Monday. Washed, rinsed, repeated on Tuesday.
-Get an x-ray on Tuesday.
-Turns out I have ileus (part of my small intestines is sleeping and won't let anything pass.
-Back on IVs, off food and drink and still stuck on 7SE.
-Develop weird rash on my hands and feet that itch to the high heavens and are the reason I am up so late writing on here.

I tell you those things not to evoke pity, but the keep you in the loop.

My spirits are good one minute and skydiving toward a cement lot the next.

I still have thankfuls though (there are many more than what is listed here, but I am on a hardcore drug conglumeration):

1. The greatest friends and family on earth. Through this I have felt so loved and cared for by all of you and I will never be able to repay you for what you have done for my spirits. I know you are a huge part in my recovery.

2. Walking. If you know me, you know I like to be active. So I have been walking a lot, and I mean a ton. It keeps my energy up, moods up, and keeps my mind off of the number of days I have been here.

3. THE NURSING STAFF. Seriously, I have never had a nursing staff as great as this one. And that's saying a lot because I have spent a lot of time in hospitals around nurses. I can't really put into words how amazing they are.

4. My husband. He always a thankful for me and now, more than ever, he is showing what a truly amazing person he is. He will do anything for me and I miss him most during these long, beep-filled nights.

5. Games. Board games, card games, dice games, etc. They are a common bond between me and a lot of my friends and help pass the time and get me laughing.

Tune in for more. I'm sure things will be looking up here soon. Got to go, the Benedryl/Oxycodone combo is knocking my socks off.

xo, Meg


  1. Miss you little Meg.
    I wish you didn't have to sleep there all by yourself.
    Know you're loved!
    You'll be home soon:)

  2. Thanks for sharing details. We understand that you're not trying to evoke pity, but hope you know that all of our hearts go out to you in this ordeal. You have many people praying and rooting for your recovery!

