
Mountains and Valleys

Today has been a day of highs and lows. Highs provided by espresso, sunlight, and flowers; lows brought to you by my blood glucose levels. But now it's time to list my 5 highs of the day.

1. Espresso and brownies. My espresso machine arrived and within 5 minutes I had it brewing me some caffienated love. The cookbook my mom sent me provided me with the perfect opportunity to try my hand at some brownies I can have (only 12 grams of carbs and 100 calories... if you want the reciepe let me know.) The brownies were fluffy and chocolately and the espresso perfect. What a great afternoon.

2. The sun. Today the sun stayed out all day. It's actually still relatively warm out - so nice.

3. Tomorrow! My mom flies all the way across the country just to see me tomorrow and I can't wait. I'm selfishly ready to be cooked for and taken care of by my momma. There is nothing like a mother's love and care.

4. Flowers. Pretty white flowers for my coffee table and the "guest room" for my mom. There is something about flowers - they brighten a room.

5. Orange Juice. Since my diagnosis, water and occasional coffee are all I drink (healthy, but a bit boring.) Well, today my glucose dropped to 76 (I have been well over 200 for probably 2-3 months) ... I only figured this out after wondering why I was sweating, dizzy, and my heart was racing. So, to the fridge and orange juice that Kirsten bought for me. Ahhhh, although I didn't feel right that orange juice tasted just right. I guess that's the upside of low levels. The downside is it is scary.

That's it for now.

xo, Meg

PS- Pictures of my espresso and brownies and hot husband are on there way.

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